Domestic Equity

Domestic Equity Small-Cap Equity
CUNY Discusses Int'l Equity; Hires Smid-Cap Manager
The approximately $166 million City University of New York endowment discussed a search
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Equity
Chicago Trust Eyes Global Equity; Adds To Emerging Mgr. Program
The $1.2 billion Chicago Community Trust is discussing the transition of its equity
Domestic Equity Surveys/Studies
Missouri Foundation Reviewing Assets
The $950 million Missouri Foundation for Health will conduct an asset study of its entire
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income
CalPERS Seeking Multi-Strategy Index Mgr. For Trust Funds
The $231.9 billion California Public Employees Retirement System is currently searching for a
Domestic Equity Real Estate Equity
Philadelphia Terminates Aksia; Rehires RhumbLine & Northern Trust
The $3.7 billion Philadelphia Public Employees Retirement System has ended its relationship with
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income
Conn. Plan Discussing Unbundling Investments
The $42 million Simsbury (Conn.) Pension Fund is considering unbundling its investments with
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income Equity
Aurora Nears Multiple Manager Hires
The City of Aurora (Ill.) is in contract negotiations with asset managers to handle mandates for
Domestic Equity
Chicago Water Makes Large-Cap Value Hire
The $1 billion Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago Retirement Fund hired
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income Manager-of-Managers
Canadian School To Reissue Investment RFP
Conestoga College will reissue an RFP for an investment manager to handle approximately $3 million
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Alternatives
New Mexico SIC Makes Small-, Mid-Cap Hires
The $15.3 billion New Mexico State Investment Council hired five domestic small-cap and mid-cap