The plan is conducting a replacement search after terminating its incumbent domestic small-cap value equity manager.
The plan hired three international small-cap equity managers and moved from a domestic large-cap value manager to a large-cap core strategy in the first quarter.
The plan does not currently have an active small-cap firm after terminating the previous manager earlier this year.
A university in New England has hired a new global equity manager and committed to a venture capital firm this year.
A deferred compensation plan in the Rocky Mountain region terminated its sustainable equity manager, which had been on watch due to underperformance.
A California plan agreed to initiate a real estate search following approval of a new asset allocation policy yesterday.
The plan has issued its RFP seeking domestic mid-cap growth equity managers to handle roughly $30 million.
Plan will conduct further due diligence on three firms in its domestic small-cap and small- to mid-cap equity emerging manager space.
The governing board of a Midwest university system replaced one fund for another in its retirement plans investment lineup.
The team joins First Eagle from Royce Investment Partners.