The plan is conducting an “opportunistic search” for small-cap core managers to potentially handle up to $200 million.
The PM will contribute to the U.S. equity platform and the global small-cap equity strategy.
The plan approved transitioning management of its three passive domestic large-cap equity mandates at a board meeting today.
The search is due to the upcoming closure of its incumbent U.S. small-cap core equity manager.
The plan will invest in a newly formed local and minority-owned asset manager.
The plan swapped its incumbent passive domestic and international equity manager with another at a December meeting.
Potential domestic small-cap core equity search would come in a decision to move away from a small-cap value manager.
His portfolio manager responsibilities will be assumed by other team members, the firm said.
A Southern pension plan consolidated its passive domestic equity portfolio at today’s board meeting.
A 529 plan based in the Midwest has added a socially responsible domestic all-cap equity fund as an investment option.