Domestic Equity

Domestic Equity
Grand Rapids Concerned With Lotsoff
The $683.4 million City of Grand Rapids (Mich.) Retirement Systems is concerned with the
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Milwaukee School Seeks Investment Manager
The Milwaukee Area Technical College Foundation is seeking an investment firm to oversee its $5
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
CUNY Discusses Smid-Cap
The $165 million City University of New York endowment may search for an active domestic
Domestic Equity
Tenn. Plan Hires Large-Cap Growth Mgr.
The $53 million City of Franklin (Tenn.) Employees’ Pension Fund hired domestic large-cap
Domestic Equity
Chicago Fire Makes Micro-Cap Hire
The $1 billion Chicago Firemen’s Annuity & Benefit Fund hired Kennedy Capital Management
Domestic Equity Alternatives Private Equity
San Francisco To Seek Large-Cap Value Mgr.
The $15.6 billion San Francisco City & County Employees Retirement System will search for
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income
Canadian City Seeking Investment Management Firm
The City of Grande Prairie (Ca.) is searching for an investment management firm to help
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
New Mexico Puts $1.2B Out To Bid
The $14.6 billion New Mexico State Investment Council today issued its RFP for domestic
Domestic Equity Real Estate Small-Cap
NM Educational Board To Issue Small-Cap Growth RFP
The $9.3 billion New Mexico Educational Retirement Board will issue an RFP for a domestic
Domestic Equity
Louisiana School Hires RhumbLine
The $1.35 billion Louisiana School Employees” Retirement System today hired RhumbLine Advisers as