Domestic Equity

Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Small-Cap
New York State Common Terminates Small-Cap Growth Mgr.; Makes Hedge Fund Commitment
The $121.5 billion New York State Common Retirement Fund terminated domestic small-cap
Domestic Equity
Texas Fund To Seek Active, Passive Equity Mgrs.
The approximately $1.4 billion Texas Prepaid Higher Education Tuition Board will release
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income
Calif. 529 Plan Seeks Program Manager
The ScholarShare Investment Board (SIB) is seeking a program manager for its over $4
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Canadian University Hires For Small-Cap
The $411 million McMaster University endowment hired Fiduciary Management Associates to
Domestic Equity Real Estate Small-Cap
Iowa To Issue RFPs For Timber, Farmland, Smid-Cap
The $22.27 billion Iowa Public Employees Retirement System approved searching for
Domestic Equity Real Estate Fixed-Income
Penn. Muni To Issue Large-Cap Growth RFP
The $1.5 billion Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System will issue an RFP for a domestic
Domestic Equity Real Estate Fixed-Income
Mich. Plan To Discuss Potential Searches
The $172 million Sterling Heights (Mich.) Police and Fire Retirement System will have a
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income
Metro Sewer Trust Seeking Investment Manager
The Metropolitan Sewer District Trusteed Investments of Hamilton County, Ohio is searching
Domestic Equity Emerging/Diverse Managers
UPDATE: Ohio Public Employees Shakes Up Emerging Manager Program
The $75.7 billion Ohio Public Employees Retirement System will terminate domestic
Domestic Equity Equity Non-U.S. & Global Fixed-Income
Nevada Discusses Int'l, Mid-Cap Allocations
The Nevada System of Higher Education will consider making changes to its international