Domestic Equity

Domestic Equity Alternatives Fixed-Income
CF Consultant Makes Recommendations on Managers for Operating Portfolio
The approximately $300 million University of Central Florida will receive recommendations
Domestic Equity Equity Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Fla. Plan Makes Large-Cap Core, Int'l Equity Hires
The $174 million West Palm Beach (Fla.) Police Pension Fund has hired large-cap core
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Fort Worth Makes Smid-Cap Hire
The $1.6 billion Fort Worth (Texas) Employees Retirement Fund hired Frontier Capital
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Small-Cap
Milwaukee Plots Manager Searches
The $4 billion Milwaukee Employees’ Retirement System plans to conduct investment manager
Domestic Equity Real Assets
Pa. Fund To Add Mid-Cap, Increase Passive Investments
The $106 million Butler County (Pa.) Employees Retirement System will add domestic mid-cap
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Fixed-Income
Pensacola Makes Fixed-Income, Smid-Cap Growth Hires
The $103 million Pensacola (Fla.) General Pension Retirement Fund made fixed-income and
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Real Assets
UWF Discusses Inflation; Replaces Small-Cap Manager
The $52 million University of West Florida Foundation discussed the possibility of adding
Domestic Equity
Seattle Seeking Passive Large-Cap Manager
The $1.67 billion Seattle City Employees Retirement System has issued an RFP for a passive
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Emerging/Diverse Managers
NY State Insurance Fund Makes Large-Cap Growth, Small-Cap Hires
The $12.1 billion New York State Insurance Fund hired three domestic large-cap growth
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income
Oklahoma Fire Seeking Passive Equity, Fixed-Income
The $1.5 billion Oklahoma Firefighters Pension & Retirement System has issued RFPs for domestic