Domestic Equity

Domestic Equity Emerging/Diverse Managers
NYC Makes Passive Equity Hires
The $77.1 billion New York City Retirement Systems has hired Amalgamated Bank of New
Domestic Equity
Mass. Plan Hires Eaton Vance
The $62 million Town of Falmouth Contributory Retirement System hired domestic large-cap
Domestic Equity
Cambridge Seeking Large-Cap Growth Managers
The $787 million Cambridge (Mass.) Retirement System is searching for large-cap growth
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Fixed-Income
Maine May Look To Diversify Operating Funds; Keeps SSgA
The University of Maine System has expanded advisor NEPC‘s role to include oversight of its
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income
Nebraska 529 Seeks Manager
The Nebraska 529 College Savings Plan is seeking a program manager to oversee its approximately
Domestic Equity Alternatives Fixed-Income
Houston Foundation Hires For Long/Short Equity, Fixed-Income
The approximately $80 million Greater Houston Community Foundation brought on eight managers for
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Tenn. Fund Seeking Smid-Cap Manager
The $183 million Chattanooga (Tenn.) General Pension Plan is currently searching for a small- to
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Equity
Pa. Fund Hires Lord Abbett; International Equity Next
The $140 million Lancaster County (Pa.) Employees Retirement Fund hired small- to
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income
Maryland Creates Two 'Best Ideas' Portfolio
The $25.6 billion Maryland State Retirement and Pension System created “best ideas”
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Philly Rehires Emerald, Turner
The $3.3 billion Philadelphia Public Employees Retirement System rehired domestic