Domestic Equity

Domestic Equity Small-Cap Fixed-Income
Mo. County Issues Consultant RFP; Money Managers Next
The $159 million Jackson County (Mo.) Revised Pension Fund has issued an RFP for investment
Domestic Equity
St. Paul Teachers To Issue Large-Cap Growth RFP
The $1.1 billion St. Paul (Minn.) Teachers Retirement Association will issue an RFP for large-cap
Domestic Equity Alternatives Private Equity
Kansas Seeking Private Equity Consultant
The $14.1 billion Kansas Public Employees Retirement System is seeking a private equity consultant
Domestic Equity
Mass. Plan Adds Mid-Cap Core
The $64 million Town of Shrewsbury (Mass.) Retirement System hired mid-cap core manager
Industry News Domestic Equity
Russell Launches Strategic Review
Russell Investment Group has launched a new asset allocation process that enables defined benefit
Domestic Equity Equity Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Clearwater Seeking International Equity
The $637 million Clearwater (Fla.) Employees Pension Fund is seeking an international equity
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Mass. Plan Seeking Small-Cap Growth
The $238 million Essex (Mass.) Regional Retirement Board is searching for a small-cap growth
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Idaho Endowment Hires Small-Cap Manager
The $1 billion Idaho Endowment Fund Investment Board hired Eagle Asset Management to manage
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
St. Louis Plan Hires Kennedy
The $189 million Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District Employees” Pension Plan has hired Kennedy
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Florida Plan Hires Wells
The $65 million Hallandale Beach (Fla.) Police Officers” and Firefighters” Pension Plan has hired