A Midwestern university will seek approval to make real estate and venture capital commitments at its board meeting today.
An employees retirement system in Louisiana will discuss switching passive managers to lower fees at a future meeting.
A Northeastern pension plan has issued RFPs for domestic small-cap value equity managers as well as a passive index provider.
A police and fire pension fund will review its domestic large-cap growth allocation and has scheduled interviews with four private credit managers for next month.
A West Coast pension fund will make changes to its domestic small-cap core equity portfolio that includes liquidating two incumbents.
A Southeastern pension plan approved a pacing plan for private equity and private debt at a meeting yesterday.
A Calif.-based pension fund is searching for a domestic small-cap value equity manager.
A Midwestern pension plan has issued an RFP for global equity managers.
A New York plan has begun a search for domestic small-cap value and international growth equity managers.
A Southwestern pension plan agreed to part ways with its domestic mid-cap equity manager this week.