A West Coast pension fund will make changes to its domestic small-cap core equity portfolio that includes liquidating two incumbents.
A Southeastern pension plan approved a pacing plan for private equity and private debt at a meeting yesterday.
A Calif.-based pension fund is searching for a domestic small-cap value equity manager.
A Midwestern pension plan has issued an RFP for global equity managers.
A New York plan has begun a search for domestic small-cap value and international growth equity managers.
A Southwestern pension plan agreed to part ways with its domestic mid-cap equity manager this week.
A health care trust based in the Windy City terminated one equity manager and funded another in recent months.
A Midwestern pension plan made hires in its domestic small-cap and mid-cap core equity searches this week.
A pension fund on the West Coast has begun a consultant-led domestic small-cap core equity manager search.
A Southeastern plan will revisit a decision on its domestic small- to mid-cap equity structure later this year.