Domestic Equity

Domestic Equity Emerging/Diverse Managers
Indiana PERF To Seek Emerging Managers
The $16.1 billion Indiana Public Employees Retirement Fund will begin seeking minority- and
Domestic Equity Alternatives Private Equity
Worcester Seeking GTAA
The $710 million Worcester (Mass.) Retirement System is seeking a global tactical asset allocation
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Alexandria Hires TimesSquare; Munder To Be Discussed In May
The $110 million Alexandria (Va.) Police & Fire Retirement System has hired TimesSquare Capital
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Real Assets
Cincinnati Considering Int"l Equity, Emerging Markets; Terminates Three Domestic Managers
The $2.5 billion Cincinnati Retirement System may search for international small-cap or emerging
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
West Hartford To Discuss Small-Cap Investments
The $180 million West Hartford (Conn.) Town Pension Fund expects to discuss the possibility of
Domestic Equity Surveys/Studies
Florida Plan Concerned With Trusco, Rigel Capital
The $30 million Titusville (Fla.) Police & Fire Pension Plan is concerned with the performance of
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Penn. County Seeking Small-Cap, Int"l Equity Managers
The $47 million Fayette County (Pa.) Employees Retirement System is searching for small-cap and
Domestic Equity
Mass. Fund Hires Mid-Cap Firms
The $510 million Plymouth County (Mass.) Retirement Board has hired mid-cap managers Wellington
Domestic Equity Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Georgia Plan Watching Knott, Lazard
The $193 million Columbus (Ga.) Consolidated Government Retirement System has placed large-cap core
Domestic Equity Alternatives Surveys/Studies
San Bernardino To Seek Commodities, Infrastructure
The $4.8 billion San Bernardino (Calif.) County Employees Retirement Association will search for