Domestic Equity

Domestic Equity Real Estate Small-Cap
Tulare Close To Non-Large-Cap Growth Decision
The $820 million Tulare County (Calif.) Employees” Retirement Association will interview three
Domestic Equity Real Estate Hedge Funds
Auto Union Hires Managers
The $830 million Machinists Automotive Pension Trust hired four new managers, added a
Domestic Equity
Missouri Plan Likely To Invest In Emerging Markets
The $3.2 billion Missouri Local Government Employees Retirement System is currently considering
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Calif. Plan To Discuss Small- Cap Value, International Equity
The $1.7 billion San Joaquin County Employees Retirement System will discuss small-cap value and
Domestic Equity
Seattle Preps For Allocation Changes
The $1.7 billion Seattle City Employees Retirement System expects to make changes to its asset
Domestic Equity Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
New Mexico To Issue RFPs For Large-Cap Value, Consultant
The $9.6 billion New Mexico Public Employees Retirement System will issue an RFP Friday for two
Domestic Equity
Austin May Review Mid-Cap Manager
The $375 million Austin Police Retirement System expects to review mid-cap manager Eubel, Brady &
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Texas ERS Seeking $130 Million Small-Cap Growth Manager
The $21 billion Employees Retirement System of Texas has issued an RFI for a small-cap growth
Domestic Equity
New Hampshire Plan Under Investigation
The New Hampshire Attorney General’s office has begun an investigation into the state’s retirement
Domestic Equity
Maine Hires Director of Investments
The $8.4 billion Maine State Retirement System hired Michael Simmons as director of investments,