Domestic Equity

Domestic Equity Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Washington To Search For Emerging Markets Manager
The $52 billion Washington State Investment Board will begin searching for an emerging markets
Domestic Equity
Fla. Plan Discussing Terminating Trusco
The $70 million City of Plantation (Fla.) General Retirement System has had initial discussions
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Holyoke Expects To Select Managers
The Holyoke Retirement Board is expected to select managers for domestic small-cap and emerging
Domestic Equity
Orlando Hires Managers
The $729 million City of Orlando Pension Funds hired new managers for its police, fire and general
Domestic Equity Non-U.S. & Global Equity
FRTIB To Issue $100B In RFPs
The $167 billion Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board will be issuing RFPs for its entire
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Clearwater To Search For 3 Managers
The $475 million Clearwater Employees Pension Fund will begin searching for small-cap value,
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds
Essex Increases Real Estate, Considers Hedge Fund
The $230 million Essex (Mass.) Regional Retirement Board may invest in Massachusetts Pension
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Fla. City Mulls Allocation Adjustment With Westwood
The City of Apopka Retirement System is considering investing up to 8% of its portfolio into a
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
San Fran Hires Bivium For Small-Cap Portfolio
The $1.3 billion San Francisco Employees Retirement System hired manager-of-emerging managers
Domestic Equity
CalSTRS Searching for Enhanced Index Managers
The $133 billion California State Teachers Retirement System has begun searching for up to six