Domestic Equity

Domestic Equity
Cincinnati Asks Managers To Reduce Fees
Roughly half of the $2.4 billion Cincinnati Retirement System’s investment managers have agreed to
Domestic Equity Real Estate Small-Cap
Tulare Close To Non-Large-Cap Growth Decision
The $820 million Tulare County (Calif.) Employees” Retirement Association will interview three
Domestic Equity Real Estate Hedge Funds
Auto Union Hires Managers
The $830 million Machinists Automotive Pension Trust hired four new managers, added a
Domestic Equity
Missouri Plan Likely To Invest In Emerging Markets
The $3.2 billion Missouri Local Government Employees Retirement System is currently considering
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Calif. Plan To Discuss Small- Cap Value, International Equity
The $1.7 billion San Joaquin County Employees Retirement System will discuss small-cap value and
Domestic Equity
Seattle Preps For Allocation Changes
The $1.7 billion Seattle City Employees Retirement System expects to make changes to its asset
Domestic Equity Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
New Mexico To Issue RFPs For Large-Cap Value, Consultant
The $9.6 billion New Mexico Public Employees Retirement System will issue an RFP Friday for two
Domestic Equity
Austin May Review Mid-Cap Manager
The $375 million Austin Police Retirement System expects to review mid-cap manager Eubel, Brady &
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Texas ERS Seeking $130 Million Small-Cap Growth Manager
The $21 billion Employees Retirement System of Texas has issued an RFI for a small-cap growth
Domestic Equity
New Hampshire Plan Under Investigation
The New Hampshire Attorney General’s office has begun an investigation into the state’s retirement