Domestic Equity

Northeast Plan Puts Large-Cap Manager On Watch

A Northeastern pension plan placed a domestic large-cap equity manager on watch in November.

Hedge Funds
Southeast Plan Axes HF Allocation; Indexes U.S. Equity Mandates

A Southeastern pension plan eliminated its hedge fund allocation this week.

Searches And Hires
Midwest Plan Launches Private Infrastructure RFP

A Midwestern employees pension plan has issued an RFP for open-end private infrastructure funds.

Domestic Equity
Southern Methodist Foundation Adds Domestic Equity, HF Strategies

A Methodist foundation in the South added domestic equity and hedge fund investments to its portfolio last year.

Passive Equity
Midwest Deferred Compensation Plan Seeking Passive Managers

A Midwest-based deferred compensation plan is looking for passive equity and fixed-income managers.

Searches And Hires
West Coast Plan To Consider Core Investment, Stable Value RFPs

A deferred compensation plan on the West Coast will consider issuing RFPs for core investment funds and a stable value fund manager.

People Moves
Schwartz Investment Counsel Announces PM Changes

Schwartz Investment Counsel, the investment adviser for the Ave Maria Mutual Funds, has announced several portfolio manager changes and promotions, effective Jan 1.

New England Plan Names Large-Cap Value Finalists

A New England pension plan has named finalists in its ongoing domestic large-cap value equity manager search.

2020 Traditional Investments Outlook

Expectations for the equity and bond markets in 2020 continue to be cautiously optimistic after a 2019 market that left bearish investors wishing they had kicked that sentiment down the road a year or two.

While many do not expect the market to perform in 2020 quite like it did in 2019, nonprofit investors are still not expecting their real spending targets to come under heavy pressure in the near-term as they gauge the economic cycle and its ability to sustain its growth trajectory.

Searches And Hires
Midwestern Plan Shakes Up Manager Roster

A plan based in the Midwest has adapted its investment manager relationships.
