Domestic Equity

Searches And Hires
Kentucky Plan Discloses Long-Only, PE Hires

A pension fund in Kentucky has disclosed domestic and emerging markets equity hires and private equity commitments.

Searches And Hires
Northeast Plan Begins Large-Cap Growth Mgr. Search

A Northeastern pension plan has issued an RFP seeking domestic large-cap growth equity managers.

Southwest Plan Approves Q3 Investment Actions

A Southwestern pension plan approved several investment actions in the third quarter.

Domestic Equity
Southeast Plan Terminates Smid-Cap Value Manager

A Southeastern pension plan approved the termination of a domestic small- to mid-cap value equity manager last week.

Louisiana Plan Selects Small-Cap Growth Manager

A Louisiana pension plan hired a domestic small-cap growth equity manager to handle $25 million at its board meeting yesterday.

Domestic Equity
Midwest Plan Makes U.S. Small-Cap Growth, Value Hires

A Midwestern pension plan approved U.S. small-cap equity manager hires last month.

Midwest Plan Approves Infrastructure RFP

A Midwestern employees pension plan approved an RFP for private infrastructure fund managers last week.

Searches And Hires
Southern Plan Slates Public Equity, Consultant Searches

A Southern pension plan will conduct four public equity and one general investment consultant searches next year.

Domestic Equity
Southwest Plan Eyes Fisher Replacement

A Southwestern pension plan will hear a recommendation on a permanent replacement for its mandate with Fisher Investments later this month.

Industry News
Fisher Fallout: Tracking Clients

This is an ongoing list of all actions and/or non-actions taken by Fisher Investments clients following the comments made by Founder Ken Fisher on Oct. 8.
