A Florida firefighters pension fund selected a new domestic large-cap value equity manager at its meeting this week.
A New England pension plan will explore other alternative investment opportunities to its domestic small-cap value mandate with Fisher Investments.
A Michigan-based pension plan has shifted an active mid-cap growth mandate to a passive vehicle.
A Southeastern county pension plan is considering the replacement of its domestic large-cap value equity manager.
A Southern teachers pension plan expects to issue four public equity SFPs and one investment consultant SFP in 2020.
A Great Lakes region pension plan made a hire in its domestic small-cap core equity manager search.
A Midwestern pension plan has issued separate RFPs for active and passive domestic small- to mid-cap value equity managers.
A Michigan-based equity manager is scheduled to close at the end of the month.
A Midwestern police pension plan shifted its domestic equity portfolio toward passive investing last quarter.
An Ohio fund is searching for domestic mid-cap value equity managers to handle approximately $500 million.