A university in Ohio has adjusted its asset allocation targets and reinvested some of its portfolio.
A Western-based university system added two index fund managers earlier this year.
A pension fund near the Nation’s capital has hired a Standard & Poor’s 500 Index manager and received a recommendation in its absolute return fixed-income search.
A Midwestern pension plan has scheduled finalist interviews in ongoing searches for domestic small-cap growth and value equity managers.
A pension fund in the Northeast will conduct a domestic small-cap core equity manager search after terminating its current manager.
A state pension plan in the Northeast disclosed several recent commitments and one manager termination.
A Midwest pension plan terminated its MLP and active U.S. large-cap equity managers.
A Texas pension plan will conduct on-site visits with four domestic large-cap equity emerging managers as part of a search in the space.
A pension plan in the Northeast is looking to replace a domestic small-cap value equity manager.
A Midwestern city pension plan will launch searches for both real estate and infrastructure managers.