Emerging/Diverse Managers

Emerging/Diverse Managers
PERF Funds Manager-of-Managers LEIA
The $17 billion Indiana Public Employees Retirement Fund funded emerging manager-of-managers
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Alternatives
Illinois Teachers Adds To Watch List
The $38.7 billion Teachers Retirement System of the State of Illinois added four firms to its watch
Fixed-Income Emerging/Diverse Managers
Oklahoma Teachers Discusses High-Yield; Emerging Manager Discussions Delayed
The $7.5 billion Teachers Retirement System of Oklahoma is considering investing in high-yield
Emerging/Diverse Managers
Atlanta Interested In Emerging Managers
The $1.6 billion Atlanta Pension Funds has begun discussing creating an emerging manager program,
Hedge Funds Alternatives Private Equity
Penn. Schools Makes Commitments
The $63 billion Pennsylvania Public School Employees Retirement System has made several commitments
Real Estate Emerging/Diverse Managers
Illinois Plans To Issue Joint Emerging Real Estate FoF RFP
The $14.6 billion State Universities Retirement System of Illinois, $24 billion Illinois Municipal
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Chicago Public School Terminates Northern Trust; Creates Fixed-Income MoM Allocation
The $11 billion Public School Teachers Retirement Fund of Chicago terminated Northern Trust Global
Emerging/Diverse Managers
DC Hires Two Emerging Managers-of-Managers
The $5 billion District of Columbia Retirement Board hired two emerging managers-of-managers at its
Emerging/Diverse Managers
Maryland Increases NTGA Emerging Manager Allocation By $200M
The $40 billion Maryland State Retirement and Pension System will increase emerging
Emerging/Diverse Managers
Maryland Hires 6 Emerging Managers-of-Managers
The $40 billion Maryland State Retirement and Pension System has hired six emerging