Emerging/Diverse Managers

Midwest Plan Axes Risk Premia Manager

The plan terminated one of its risk premia managers and used the assets for general rebalancing.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
Calif. Plan Terminates Emerging Manager-of-Managers

The plan had more than $430 million in the program at the end of 2022.

Midwest Foundation Wraps Up Search, Selects New Consultant

The foundation has selected a firm to provide non-discretionary investment consultant services for its portfolio following an RFI process launched in the second quarter.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
HBCUs Can't Go It Alone In Supporting Diversity

By now, most know that less than 2% of the U.S.-based investment man­agement industry’s $82 trillion in assets is handled by diverse managers. Maybe less know that historically Black college and university endowments make up an even smaller percentage of higher edu­cation endowments nationally.

Credit/Private Debt
Windy City Plan To Add Credit Allocation

New allocation is contingent on full board approval after receiving approval from the investment committee this week.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
Managers Developing DEI Investments To Address Institutional Demand: Report

Social justice funds addressing diversity, equity and inclusion are gaining traction with a growing base of institutional investors, leading asset managers to develop and offer solutions that invest in companies and communities that support people of diverse backgrounds.

Industry News
Ariel Closes Inaugural Project Black Fund

The first private equity initiative of Ariel Investments will leverage $1.45 billion commitments.

Real Assets
Calif. Plan Posts Real Assets Emerging Mgr. Program RFP

The plan is seeking one or two separate account managers to establish emerging manager programs for real assets and real estate.

New England To Hire New Small-Cap Value Manager; Makes Diverse FoF Commitment

The plan narrowed its domestic small-cap value equity search to three finalists and concluded its diverse fund-of-funds search.

People Moves
Emerging MoM Firm Sees CIO Depart

The departure has led to at least one client placing the firm on watch.
