Emerging/Diverse Managers

Emerging/Diverse Managers
Midwest Foundation Hires Manager

A foundation based in the Midwest has hired an equity manager.

Calif. Plan To Conduct Consultant Search; Retains PE Advisor

The plan agreed to advance a general investment consultant RFP and retain its private equity advisor.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Windy City Plan Posts Int’l Equity RFP

Plan has issued an RFP for international equity managers after approving the search last week.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Windy City Plan Approves Int’l Developed Markets RFP

Plan will consider multiple mandates and ensure that diverse-owned firms are included in a search process approved at today’s meeting.

Texas Plan Selects U.S. Smid-Cap Emerging Mgr.

Plan selected a domestic small- to mid-cap equity emerging manager this week.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
Mid-Atlantic Institution Selects Minority-Owned Manager To Handle Portion Of Bond Proceeds

A university in the Mid-Atlantic region has selected a minority-owned firm to manage a significant portion of the proceeds of its bonds issued earlier this year.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
Western University Eyes $2 Billion To Diverse Firms In Emerging Manager Initiative

A university on the West Coast will invest at least $2 billion with diverse investment firms in the public and private markets over the next four years.

Industry News
SEC Committee Approves D&I Recommendations

The recommendations will now be brought to the Securities and Exchange Commission for further discussion.

Healthcare Investors See Opportunity In Tech-Focused Venture Funds, DEI Initiatives: Webinar

As healthcare industry assets continue to grow, investment professionals have reaped the benefits of private equity opportunities and will focus on venture capital, technology-related assets and diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives to fuel further growth, according to a recent webinar.

HSBC Finances Launch Of Women-Owned Asset Management Firm

HSBC Asset Management has acquired a minority stake in a U.S.-based ESG and diversity and inclusion focused consulting firm, which will become a female-owned asset management firm focused on ESG investment opportunities for institutional and wealth management clients, the firm announced.
