Emerging/Diverse Managers

Credit/Private Debt
New England Plan Invests In TALF Strategy

A New England state plan is looking to be an early mover in the TALF program.

Midwest Plan To Interview Emerging MoMs; Axes Large-Cap Value Mgr.

A Midwest pension plan will interview two emerging managers-of-managers next week.

Searches And Hires
Canadian Foundation Searching For Outsourced CIO

A Canadian foundation has issued an RFP seeking an outsourced cio for a new government-funded investment pool.

Asset Study/Review
West Coast Plan Eliminates Managers Amid New Global Equity Structure

A West Coast pension fund will halve the total number of firms in its global equity portfolio.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
Nonprofit Asks Leading Universities For Information On Diversity Of Endowments

Rev. Al Sharpton sent a letter to universities about including more people of color and women in their endowment management.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
New York Nonprofit Looks To Invest In Women- And Diverse-Owned Managers

A New York-based nonprofit is looking to invest a portion of its endowment with firms majority-owned by women and/or people of color.

Searches And Hires
Northeast Plan Issues Emerging MoM RFP

A state pension fund in the Northeast has released its emerging manager-of-managers RFP.

Searches And Hires Emerging/Diverse Managers COVID-19 News
Northeast Plan Postpones Emerging MoM RFP Release

A state pension fund in the Northeast has postponed the release of its emerging manager-of-managers RFP.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
Illinois Plan Makes Emerging MoM Hire, RE Commitment

An Illinois pension fund hired a new global credit fixed-income emerging manager-of-managers and made a $50 million real estate commitment at its board meeting last week.

Midwest Plan Collars New Global Emerging MoM

A Midwestern pension plan hired a new global emerging manager-of-managers this week.
