
Asset Study/Review
New England Institution Considering A/A Changes; Adds Global, Int’l Equity Mgrs.

The institution will consider increasing its target to private equity through the reduction of its allocation to hedge funds as it looks to increase its return.

Midwest 529 Adds Multi-Asset, Small-Cap Equity Strategies

Plan added a multi-asset strategy because of its long-term track record and two small-cap equity strategies to replace existing funds due to outperformance prospects.

Midwest Plan Adds SCV Manager To Watch List

Domestic small-cap value equity manager was added to watch due to recent changes to the management structure of the strategy.

Government Plan Issues Int’l Equity Manager RFP

The plan is seeking a manager to handle $95 million in developed markets equities.

People Moves
Robeco Hires Quant Research Director

He will supervise research efforts to enhance the firm’s quantitative equity strategies.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
New England University Adds New International Equity Mgrs.; Rehires Record Keeper

A university in New England has added new international equity managers following an asset allocation study.

Domestic Equity
Southern Plan Slates U.S. Mid-Cap Value Search; Tweaks Int’l Equity Portfolio Structure

The plan will conduct an active domestic mid-cap value equity manager search as part of the second phase of its equity structure review.

Passive Equity
Rocky Mountain Plan Shakes Up Equity Portfolio

The plan moved three of its index funds with Vanguard Group to index funds with Fidelity Investments.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest 529 Adds U.S. Small-Cap, Core Bond Investment Options

A Midwestern college savings trust authority has adjusted the underlying fund investment options for two of its plans, adding small-cap equity, emerging markets equity, core bond and real estate options.

Administrator - Bundled
Midwest Transit Plans To Launch TPA Search; Hire Emerging Markets Mgr.

The plans expect to issue a third-party administrator RFP in the second quarter and recently decided to replace emerging markets core equity manager Lazard Asset Management.
