The plan also named four finalists in its global equity manager search.
The deferred compensation plan terminated two equity managers, which had both been on watch due to underperformance, in May.
The plan has four incumbent managers in the two asset classes.
The plan began searches for active domestic large-cap, small- to mid-cap and small-cap equity managers in February.
The plan also terminated three managers last week.
The county’s pension plan and OPEB Trust replaced their global core equity manager, which had been on watch due to underperformance, in May.
Global equity represents a new asset class for the retirement system.
The trust fund has hired an international small-cap equity manager over two other finalists following a search and rehired its general investment consultant following an RFP from the second quarter.
The college savings plan placed four strategies on watch for performance issues, while removing one from watch status at its July board meeting.
The pension plan has hired a new domestic large-cap value equity manager to handle $375 million.