A university in the South added international equity mandates within two of its investment portfolios in the second quarter.
A New England pension plan approved hiring a new international equity manager to replace a recently terminated mandate.
The plan’s general investment consultant is searching for managers to potentially replace underperforming managers.
A California pension plan approved the hire of a new international equity manager at a board meeting today to replace a terminated firm.
An investment consulting firm has begun searches for domestic large-cap value, large-cap growth and small-cap core managers.
A West Coast pension fund will discuss its relationship with a small-cap value manager after the departure of three investment professionals.
A mid-Atlantic county plan terminated its domestic small-cap core equity manager due to underperformance.
A Midwestern police pension plan made several changes to its global equity portfolio that included manager consolidations and replacements.
A Midwest plan will consider hiring an emerging manager-of-managers to increase its emerging manager utilization goal.
A foundation affiliated with a university in a Southern state is reviewing its equity manager roster as it looks to shift its public equity portfolio toward domestic assets and away from international developed and emerging markets.