
Searches And Hires
West Coast 457 Issues Investment Manager RFP

A West Coast 457 plan has begun its search for multiple investment managers to handle its $4.4 billion investment options menu.

Real Estate
Calif. Plan Approves RE Pacing Plan, Discloses EME Hire

A Calif. Plan approved a real estate pacing plan and disclosed an emerging markets equity hire in closed session last week.

West Coast Plan Approves 3 Private Markets Consultant RFPs

A city pension fund on the West Coast will issue RFPs for private equity, private credit and private markets reporting consulting services.

Searches And Hires
Midwest Plan Issues Int’l Equity Emerging Manager RFP

A Midwestern pension plan has issued an RFP seeking international equity emerging managers.

Domestic Equity
Florida Plan Terminates Equity Mgrs.; Selects Large-Cap Growth Semifinalists

A Florida plan terminated two of its equity managers and selected semifinalists in its large-cap growth search at today’s board meeting.

West Coast Plan Eyes Real Assets Consultant Rehire; More RFPs

A West Coast pension plan will receive a recommendation to rehire its real assets consultant at a meeting this week.

Credit/Private Debt
Rocky Mountain Plan Adds Private Credit Commitment; Axes Equity Mgr.

A Rocky Mountain pension plan added a private credit commitment and terminated an equity manager at a special board meeting in June.

Daily Feed
Southern Management Company Seeks Public Equity Investment Analyst

A Southern management company is searching for an investment analyst or senior investment analyst to join its public investments team.

Daily Feed
Southern University Adds Emerging Markets, PE Investments

A university based in the South added an emerging markets equity and a private equity fund in the second quarter.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
Northeast Plan Slates Int’l Equity Manager Interviews

A Northeastern pension plan will interview managers later this year to replace a recently terminated global equity manager.
