A Northeastern pension plan placed an international equity manager on watch last quarter.
A New England plan has named three finalists in its international equity manager search.
A Mid-Atlantic pension fund has narrowed its emerging markets equity manager search to four finalists.
A Windy City pension plan recently made a hire in its global low volatility manager search.
A Rocky Mountain pension plan will not proceed with a recently approved high-yield investment.
A Windy City plan terminated a domestic small-cap core equity emerging manager at today’s board meeting.
A Western pension plan made a high-yield fixed-income investment at its May board meeting.
A city 457 plan on the West Coast has begun its search for a stable value fund manager.
A New England pension fund has begun searching for managers in four asset classes.
A university in the Midwest disclosed follow-on investments to private equity, venture capital and public equity funds made between October and January.