
Searches And Hires
Southwest Plan Approves Venture Capital, EME Searches

A Southwestern pension plan approved searches for venture capital and emerging markets equity managers this week.

Asset Study/Review
Southeast Plan To Consider U.S., Int'l Equity Changes

A Southeastern plan will consider changes to its domestic equity and international equity portfolios this week.

Real Estate Alternatives Equity
Maryland Plan Hires Emerging Markets Equity Mgrs.

A guns and hoses plan in the Mid-Atlantic region has hired two emerging markets small-cap equity managers.

MRI/Social Investments
Western Foundation Adds Global Equity, Bond Funds To Sustainable Portfolio

A Western foundation added new global equity and bond funds to its sustainable endowment portfolio, effective Jan. 1.

Equity International / Global / Emerging Markets
Southeast Plan Concludes Int’l Value Manager Search

A Southeastern pension plan has concluded a search for international value equity managers.

Equity Emerging/Diverse Managers International / Global / Emerging Markets
California Plan Concludes Int’l Equity Developing Manager Search

A California pension plan made hires in its search for non-U.S. developed markets equity strategies.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
Midwest Plan To Add Global Equity Fund

A Midwestern pension plan will approve the addition of a global equity fund at a meeting this week.

Searches And Hires
Southern Teachers Plan Begins International Small-Cap Search

A southern teachers plan has begun a search for international small-cap equity managers.

Industry News
Trillium Asset Management Being Sold To Foreign Financial Services Company

ESG investment firm Trillium Asset Management will be acquired by Australian financial services company Perpetual Limited.

Equity International / Global / Emerging Markets
New England Plan Conducting International Equity Mgr. Search

A New England plan is conducting a search for an international equity manager.
