A community development organization and small business accelerator closed a Series A financing led by two prominent foundations last month to support underfunded and underrepresented entrepreneurs.
BlackRock has hired a global head of BlackRock Sustainable Investing to lead the sustainable investing platform and its global initiative to help clients create more sustainable, resilient investment portfolios.
An Ivy League institution has adopted a new investment strategy to reduce the net greenhouse gas emissions from its endowment investments to zero by 2050.
A university based in the Great Plains region is weighing an ESG provision in its investment policy to allow the consideration of ESG factors when investing its endowment holdings at its board meeting Friday.
A college in New England will phase out its direct fossil fuel investments over time and make no new investments in public or private equity fossil fuel funds.
A university in the Midwest approved a new investment policy to reach a net-zero carbon footprint as well as three commitments totaling $140 million to renewable and sustainable investments at its March board meeting.