BCI will target a cumulative $5 billion investment in sustainability bonds and reduce the carbon exposure in its global public equities portfolio by 30% by 2025, from a 2019 baseline.
Institutions should take a fresh look at financial and investment strategies to address challenges to their business models and maintain optimal asset allocations to meet a 7.5% historical return target, particularly in the face of a long-term era of muted returns, according to a recent study.
A university on the West Coast’s investment committee approved measures to halt new investments in fossil fuels and divest from its existing fossil fuel investments over the next several years earlier this month
Institutional investors around the world are increasingly evaluating managers’ ESG integration in terms of demonstrable outcomes and want firms to show results of their ESG-integrated strategies, according to a recent survey.
A university in New England has updated its investment policy to prohibit direct investments in coal and tar sands companies and launched an impact investment initiative.