A university based in the Mid-Atlantic region has launched a new committee to investigate the feasibility of divesting its endowment of fossil fuels
The new appointee has also retained their former senior v.p. position.
A university in New England approved the sale of an investment within its endowment last month to move toward its goal of fully divesting from public investments in fossil fuels.
A foundation based on the West Coast has made two impact investments this year to bring it closer to its 100% mission-aligned goal.
Consistent communication with managers is key to an accomplished portfolio.
A Florida plan terminated two of its equity managers and selected semifinalists in its large-cap growth search at today’s board meeting.
Global asset growth of sustainable investment funds expected to continue.
A Rocky Mountain-based pension plan has adopted an ESG policy to incorporate within its overall investment policy.
A New England-based university approved divesting its endowment of fossil fuel investments this week.
A Western university has become the first client to implement its outsourced cio’s sustainable investing strategy.