The healthcare system is working on sustainable investment guidelines after reviewing sustainability scores on current investments in the first quarter and evaluating future opportunities.
The university has committed to avoid direct investments in fossil fuel companies and will not seek out or renew private funds investing in fossil fuels after previously rejecting fossil fuel divestment in 2016.
The system expects to conduct a review of the investment policy for its reserve pool, non-reserve short-term pool and non-reserve long-term pool this fall.
The Northeast-based firm has launched a dedicated ESG consulting service line to support clients with implementing ESG frameworks, policies and procedures as well as conduct gap analysis.
The flexibility and environmental impacts of a portfolio targeting net-zero greenhouse gas emissions enhances the ability of endowments to support climate change solutions without sacrificing returns, according to endowments and their investment consultants.
The firm has hired a head of global investment insights, sustainability and impact to oversee its sustainability efforts and deliver insights to clients and the broader industry.