The flexibility and environmental impacts of a portfolio targeting net-zero greenhouse gas emissions enhances the ability of endowments to support climate change solutions without sacrificing returns, according to endowments and their investment consultants.
The firm has hired a head of global investment insights, sustainability and impact to oversee its sustainability efforts and deliver insights to clients and the broader industry.
The institution selected a climate reporting consultant following a search from February and added hedge fund and real estate investments with existing managers during the first quarter.
The firm’s head of impact investing will retire this summer and the firm has named a portfolio manager on its impact investment team as their successor.
The bill will help ensure colleges and universities are providing opportunities to women and minority asset managers by mandating transparency and standardizing data collection.
John Balbach serves as director of impact investments at the MacArthur Foundation and manages the operations of the Chicago-based organization’s approximately $500 million impact investment pool. He took the time to answer 5 questions with FIN News.