A Great Lakes-based pension plan approved a $20 million TALF investment this week.
A New England state plan is looking to be an early mover in the TALF program.
A Mississippi plan added a real estate commitment at its board meeting yesterday.
A New England-based university revised the target asset allocation for its endowment last month.
A Midwestern fund is expected to issue RFPs for two maiden allocations later this month.
A Midwest city plan has begun its search for an opportunistic fixed-income manager.
A county plan in New England has selected three finalists in its emerging market debt search.
A West Coast pension plan hired a new core fixed-income manager and terminated an emerging markets equity manager as part of a new international equity structure at today’s board meeting.
A Mid-Atlantic employee pension plan will search for a fixed-income manager following approval last month.
An investment manager based in the Midwest will close its business.