
Searches And Hires
West Coast 457 To Issue Core Investment, Stable Value Fund RFPs

A West Coast city deferred compensation plan will issue RFPs for core investment managers and a stable value manager.

New England Plan Hires New EMD Manager

A city pension fund in New England has hired a new emerging market debt manager.

New England Plan Eyes Hire For New EMD Allocation

A New England pension plan expects to hire a manager for its new emerging market debt allocation this week.

Bank Loan
Southwest Plan Axes Bank Loan Manager

A Southwestern plan terminated one of its bank loan managers this week.

Calif. Plan Slates Core Fixed-Income RFP

A California pension plan will issue a domestic core fixed-income manager RFP.

Fixed-Income Searches And Hires International / Global / Emerging Markets
New England Plan Readies EMD, Non-Core Real Estate RFPs

A New England pension fund is gearing up to issue RFPs for emerging market debt and real estate managers.

Searches And Hires
Southern Plan Considering Core Fixed-Income, TIPS, Non-U.S. Equity RFPs

A Southern-based plan will consider searches for domestic core fixed-income, inflation protected securities and non-U.S. equity passive index services over the course of the next year.

MRI/Social Investments
Western Foundation Adds Global Equity, Bond Funds To Sustainable Portfolio

A Western foundation added new global equity and bond funds to its sustainable endowment portfolio, effective Jan. 1.

Florida Plan To Interview Three Core-Plus/Multi-Sector Bond Managers

A Florida-based general employees pension plan selected three managers to interview in March and also discussed potential liquid absolute return bond managers at its board meeting yesterday.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
New England Town Begins Emerging Market Debt Search

A New England town pension fund has begun a search for emerging market debt managers.
