A Western education system will reach out to external investment managers to assess whether climate-related risks and opportunities are integrated into their investment processes.
A southern foundation added an international large-cap equity manager and foreign bond fund across its investment pools earlier this year.
A pension fund near our nation’s capital has concluded its absolute return fixed-income manager search.
A pension plan in the Windy City has completed its domestic core-plus fixed-income minority-, women- and disabled-owned manager search.
A Southern university system is slowly transitioning its endowment to a new target asset allocation approved in the second quarter.
A pension fund in the Northeast is gearing up to issue a private equity consultant RFP.
A Western pension plan will consider a search for a core fixed-income manager next week.
A Southern organization adjusted its fixed-income portfolio earlier this year.
A Midwestern pension plan hired a high-yield fixed-income manager last month.
A pension plan in the Great Lakes region will consider new allocations to international small-cap equity and mortgage-backed securities this week.