
Fixed-Income Searches And Hires Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
California University Issues Bond Mgr., Investment Consultant RFPs

A California university has issued RFPs seeking fixed-income managers for its liquidity and intermediate duration portfolios and a consultant for its 403(b) Supplemental Retirement Plan.

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Washington Foundation Wraps Up Investment Manager Search

A Washington foundation rehired an investment manager and hired a new investment manager for its endowment in the second quarter.

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Kansas Community College Cancels Investment Mgr. Search, Plans To Reissue RFP

A Kansas community college has temporarily rescinded its RFP for a firm to manage its reserve funds and recommend investments, according to a July 9 notice.

Southeastern Plan Concludes Bond Manager Search

A Southeastern pension plan reached a decision in its ongoing fixed-income manager search this week.

Mid-Atlantic Plan Eyes Searches To Fill Out New A/A

A mid-Atlantic pension plan will conduct manager searches to fill out a recently approved asset allocation.

Midwest Plan Replaces Fixed-Income Manager

Midwestern pension fund made a change in bond managers in the first quarter.

Searches And Hires
Large Northeast Plan To Issue Passive Manager RFP

A Northeast plan will conduct a search for passive investment managers.

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Florida Plan Wraps Up Search For Commingled Investment Options

The Florida Prepaid College Program selected nine investment managers to provide access to their commingled offerings to its prepaid program, savings program, ABLE program and foundation, according to an intent to award notice on its website.

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New York Plan Discloses Commitments

A New York state plan has disclosed several new commitments across asset classes.

Real Estate Alternatives Fixed-Income
Vermont Slates Short-Term Credit Search; Terminates Global Equity Mgr.
The $4.4 billion Vermont Pension Investment Committee will begin a shortlist search for short-term