The RFPs are a result of a new asset allocation approved in May.
The foundation is searching for a director to evaluate, recommend and monitor investment opportunities across public markets, including global equity, marketable alternatives and credit.
The city last conducted a search for the services in 2020.
The county is seeking one or more domestic fixed-income firms to manage a portion of its operating and sales tax portfolios.
The retirement system is seeking firms to handle a total allocation up to $1.2 billion.
The organization has hired a director of public markets to oversee its public equity and fixed-income portfolios.
The plan is seeking a passive global inflation-linked fixed-income manager to handle approximately $850 million.
The pension plan will conduct an invitation to bid to fill its 25% public real return allocation.
The pension plan terminated its incumbent domestic core-plus fixed-income manager last month due to underperformance.
The searches follow asset class reviews by the plan’s general investment consultant.