
Fixed-Income Non-U.S. & Global Equity
St. Louis Public Eyes Emerging Market Debt Hire
The $858 million Public School Retirement System of St. Louis investment committee approved an
Real Estate Fixed-Income Real Assets
Seattle Looking Into Credit Fixed-Income Strategies
The $2.4 billion Seattle City Employees’ Retirement System is considering various investment
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income
Woburn To Reissue High-Yield Fixed-Income RFP
The $130 million Woburn (Mass.) Retirement System will reissue a high-yield fixed-income RFP in the
Hedge Funds Alternatives Fixed-Income
Harris Health to Seek EME, Bank Loans, RE, Hedge FoF
Harris Health System will conduct searches for emerging markets equity, bank loans, real estate and
Fixed-Income Surveys/Studies
Ohio University Proposes Policy for Bond Investments
Ohio University will present a new investment policy for its approximately $250 million century
Real Estate Fixed-Income
Ga. Plan Seeking Core/Core-Plus Real Estate Mgrs.
The $206 million Chatham County (Ga.) Employees Retirement System has issued an RFP for real estate
Hedge Funds Alternatives Fixed-Income
Penn. Public School Makes Private Commitments
The $52.4 billion Pennsylvania Public School Employees Retirement System approved private
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income Equity
ISBI Issues Passive Int'l Bond Mgr. RFP; Deferred Comp Begins Target-Date Search
The $15.2 billion Illinois State Board of Investment has issued its RFP for passive international
Fixed-Income Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
NY Power Authority Hires Fixed-Income Managers, New Consultant
The $1.44 billion New York Power Authority Nuclear Decommissioning Trust selected four core
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income Manager-of-Managers
Oregon School Issues Investment Mgr. RFP
St. Mary’s School is seeking its first investment manager to handle its $1.7 million portfolio of