
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income ESG
Brethren Trust Eyeing SRI Allocations
The Brethren Benefit Trust will explore the addition of socially responsible investments
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income
Bloomfield Hills Hires Investment Manager
The Bloomfield Hills (Mich.) Schools hired PFM Asset Management to handle approximately
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income
Philly Gas Plan Hires Index Manager RhumbLine
The $463 million Philadelphia Gas Works Pension Plan has hired passive equity manager RhumbLine
Hedge Funds Alternatives Fixed-Income
MassPRIM Sets 2014 Investment/Search Activity
The $57.9 billion Massachusetts Pension Reserves Investment Management Board has set 2014
Alternatives Fixed-Income Credit/Private Debt
LA Water & Power Seeking Global Credit & High-Yield, U.S. Bank Loan Mgrs.
The $9 billion Los Angeles Water and Power Employees’ Retirement Plan is seeking global credit
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income
Hampshire County Issues Passive Equity & Fixed-Income RFPs
The $243 million Hampshire County (Mass.) Retirement System issued an RFP on Monday for passive
UPDATE: Philadelphia Reissues Fixed-Income RFP
The City of Philadelphia today reissued its RFP for short-term fixed-income managers to handle its
Hedge Funds Fixed-Income Private Equity
Ohio Public Employees Adjusts Asset Allocation; Makes PE, HF Commitments
The $73.2 billion Ohio Public Employees Retirement System has approved an adjusted asset allocation
Fixed-Income Surveys/Studies
Kansas State Conducting Asset Study; Adding Bond Mgrs.
The Kansas State University Foundation said it will conduct an asset study for its $386
Fixed-Income Surveys/Studies
Texas Tech Approves Short-Term Fund Asset Allocation
Texas Tech University approved a new target asset allocation for its short-term operating