The plan is watching four firms due to underperformance and hired a new emerging markets equity manager.
The plan terminated two existing managers and added commitments totaling roughly $912 million in October.
The plan will implement its recently approved asset allocation policy in three phases.
The plan added a second firm to its emerging manager program and continued to build out its private credit portfolio.
Plan will issue an RFP moving forward after approving a new global credit allocation last week.
A fund in the South approved a new strategic asset allocation for its liquid account following a recommendation from its general investment consultant last month that essentially creates a 60% equity 40% fixed-income portfolio.
A Mid-Atlantic plan disclosed three recent commitments and the termination of a fixed-income manager at yesterday’s board meeting.
The current CEO will stay on as a portfolio manager on the multi-sector bond team.
IR+M will now serve as a subadvisor for one of Harbor’s fixed-income strategies.
The plan is nearing the conclusion of its domestic small-cap equity and fixed-income manager searches.