A university based on the West Coast has hired an investment manager.
A Midwestern pension fund has made a hire in its liquid absolute return manager search.
A West Coast pension fund will consider issuing an RFP for a global credit manager RFP.
An employees retirement system will create a direct emerging manager program with roughly $25 million.
A California pension plan expects to review an unconstrained bond manager due to underperformance.
A Midwestern employees’ pension plan is preparing a credit manager RFP after increasing its target to the asset class as part of broader allocation changes.
A police and fire pension fund near the nation’s capital will interview three firms for its emerging market debt search.
A state plan in the Pacific Northwest has made three structured credit fixed-income manager hires.
A Michigan-based pension plan approved an investment grade fixed-income manager hire at today’s board meeting.
A West Coast pension fund has created maiden allocations to private equity and U.S. Treasuries.