A New England state plan interviewed two convertible bond managers to handle $125 million today.
A Mid-Atlantic deferred compensation plan replaced its global fixed-income manager at a recent meeting.
A general employees plan has hired a liquid absolute return fixed-income manager to handle $60 million.
A Southwestern pension plan agreed to part ways with its domestic mid-cap equity manager this week.
A Midwestern pension plan will hear recommendations to hire two new emerging managers-of-managers to run separate international equity and fixed-income allocations at tomorrow’s board meeting.
A trust fund in a Western state has hired a new active core fixed-income manager.
A university in the South will review its emerging markets equity investments alongside its investment consultant in the fourth quarter.
A Midwestern state plan has hired multiple managers in the traditional fixed-income and equity and private markets asset classes.
A Midwestern pension plan has issued an RFP seeking senior secured loan investment managers.
A Texas fire pension plan liquidated a recent high-yield fixed-income investment at a meeting this month.