A Southwestern firefighters’ pension plan replaced two fixed-income managers at its board meeting today.
A West Coast 457 plan has begun its search for multiple investment managers to handle its $4.4 billion investment options menu.
A Northeastern deferred compensation plan will consider replacing a global fixed-income manager at an upcoming meeting.
A Mid-Atlantic state pension plan disclosed more than $2.1 billion in new investments at today’s investment meeting.
A university in the Southwest is seeking a firm to provide global fixed-income investment advisory services.
A Florida firefighters’ pension plan will review global bond managers at its upcoming board meetings.
A university based in the Midwest hired fixed-income managers in the first quarter.
A Rocky Mountain pension plan has agreed to sell a high-yield bond investment originally approved in May.
A university on the West Coast added fixed-income and Japanese equity investments during the first quarter.
A Florida pension plan is reviewing fixed-income portfolio changes as a result of an ongoing review.