A Rocky Mountain pension plan will not proceed with a recently approved high-yield investment.
A community foundation based in the Midwest added fixed-income mandates across its investment portfolios earlier this year.
A Western 529 plan is seeking a firm to manage its fixed-income portfolio.
A Western pension plan made a high-yield fixed-income investment at its May board meeting.
A city 457 plan on the West Coast has begun its search for a stable value fund manager.
Two Florida city pension plans are conducting a search for global fixed-income managers to potentially replace the incumbent firm.
A religious order in the Midwest is looking to hire a core domestic core fixed-income manager to oversee a $100 million portfolio.
A New England pension fund has begun searching for managers in four asset classes.
A Florida firefighters and police officers pension fund added a second domestic fixed-income manager at its board meeting yesterday.
A California county has issued an RFP for domestic high-yield fixed-income managers to handle approximately $1 billion.