Hedge Funds

Hedge Funds Alternatives
Albuquerque Foundation Hires Direct Hedge Fund Mgrs.
The $58 million Albuquerque (N.M.) Community Foundation hired three hedge fund managers as part of
Industry News Hedge Funds Alternatives
San Fran Hires NEPC As New General Investment Consultant
The $20 billion San Francisco City & County Employees’ Retirement System hired NEPC as its new
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Small-Cap
Calif. Hospital Eyes Potential Small-Cap Replacement; Hires Hedge Fund Manager
El Camino Hospital may conduct a search for a domestic small-cap growth equity manager as part of a
Hedge Funds Alternatives Surveys/Studies
Dallas Foundation Changes Asset Allocation; Adds Manager
The Summerlee Foundation increased its allocation to international developed market equities during
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Del. Community Foundation Adds Alternative Managers
The $182 million Delaware Community Foundation added two hedge fund managers in April, according to
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Alternatives
Conn. Police Plan Considering 2 Hedge Funds
The $197 million Stamford (Conn.) Policemen’s Pension Trust may add two direct hedge fund managers
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Mass. County Plan Seeking Hedge FoF
The $774 million Norfolk County (Mass.) Retirement System has reissued its hedge fund-of-funds
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Houston Police Adds Alts. Commitments
The $4.3 billion Houston Police Officers’ Pension System‘s investment committee approved
Domestic Equity Real Estate Hedge Funds
Milwaukee County Swaps Hedge Fund Managers
The $1.8 billion Milwaukee County (Wis.) Employees Retirement System made a hedged equity manager
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Maine System Seeks Hedge FoF After Cube Redemption
The University of Maine System is seeking a new hedge fund-of-funds manager after approving a