Hedge Funds

Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Michigan County Eyes New Investment Policy, Potential Asset Class Additions
The $144 million County of Berrien (Mich.) Retirement System was scheduled to discuss a new
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Alternatives
Rockefeller Brothers Fund Beefs Up Impact Investing
Rockefeller Brothers Fund will dedicate 10% of its $840 million endowment to targeted
Hedge Funds Alternatives Fixed-Income
Alabama System Hires Four New Managers
The University of Alabama System hired four new investment managers for its approximately
Hedge Funds Alternatives
LSU Hires European Long/Short Manager
The Louisiana State University Foundation has hired Lancaster Investment Management as a
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Milwaukee Funds Absolute Return Strategy Investment
The $5.1 billion Milwaukee Employees’ Retirement System has funded one of two hires in its absolute
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Cambridge Plan Considering Asset Allocation Change
The $1 billion Cambridge (Mass.) Retirement System could increase its emerging markets equity,
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Ohio Schools Adds Hedge Fund, Real Estate Commitments
The $14.2 billion Ohio School Employees Retirement System approved new alternatives commitments at
Hedge Funds Alternatives Surveys/Studies
Wallace Foundation Revises Target Allocation
The $1.55 billion Wallace Foundation has increased its target allocations to
Hedge Funds Alternatives Fixed-Income
Texas Plan Considering Emerging Market Debt, Direct HFs
The $778 million Austin (Texas) Firefighters Relief & Retirement Fund is considering a maiden
Hedge Funds Alternatives Manager-of-Managers
ISBI Issues Emerging Manager Hedge FoF RFP
The $14.7 billion Illinois State Board of Investment has issued its RFP for hedge fund-of-funds