The hedge fund manager hired an economist and strategist as well as a head of European economic research.
The plan’s hedge fund committee approved an investment last week that will occur in either the fourth quarter or first quarter.
Plan added a hedge fund commitment to an emerging manager in addition to a pair of private equity commitments.
The plan liquidated its $8.5 million hedge fund-of-funds mandate in May.
The plan terminated its current global long/short hedge fund-of-funds manager.
The fund approved a new strategic asset allocation to continue to move its assets toward an endowment style portfolio with private markets investment exposure.
Plan approved a $7 million investment in a credit hedge fund at today’s board meeting.
Plan will issue the RFP next month on its general investment consultant’s website.
Plan will seek a real estate manager to diversify its portfolio.
Plan approved $125 million in new commitments in March.