Hedge Funds

Domestic Equity Real Estate Hedge Funds
Indiana Hires Four Absolute Return Mgrs.
The $28 billion Indiana Public Retirement System approved investments with four absolute return
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Conn. Plan Nears Hedge FoF Hire
The $342 million Norwalk (Conn.) City Employees Pension System selected three finalists for its
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Alternatives
Santa Barbara County Nixes Long/Short Allocation
The $2.2 billion Santa Barbara County (Calif.) Employees Retirement System has eliminated its 2%
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Small-Cap
Electrical Union Hires Hedge Funds; Terminates Small-Cap Value Mgr.
The $782 million NECA-IBEW Pension Trust Fund hired two hedge fund managers and terminated a
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Louisville Approves Hedge Fund Allocation
The approximately $722 million University of Louisville Foundation approved the hiring of Emerging
Hedge Funds Alternatives Equity
Kentucky To Conduct Searches For Absolute Return, Alternatives, Public Equity and Real Estate Mgrs.
The $14.6 billion Kentucky Retirement Systems will conduct searches for managers in absolute
Hedge Funds Real Assets
Ohio Schools Commits To HF, Awaits Asset Study Results
The $11 billion Ohio School Employees Retirement System‘s investment committee approved a pair of
Hedge Funds Alternatives Fixed-Income
Ohio Public Employees Makes GTAA Hires; Redeems HF
The $67.6 billion Ohio Public Employees Retirement System has hired three global tactical asset
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Alternatives
Omaha Plan Hires First Hedge Fund, Mid-Cap Managers
The $220 million Omaha (Neb.) Civilian Employees Retirement System hired hedge fund-of-funds
Industry News People Moves Hedge Funds
Alaska Permanent Adds Second Portfolio To Incubation Fund
The $46 billion Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation made its second investment through a hedge fund