Hedge Funds

Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Conn. Rehires Real Estate Consultant Townsend
The $24.8 billion State of Connecticut Retirement Plans & Trust Funds rehired the Townsend Group as
Hedge Funds Alternatives Equity
UTIMCO Slates Hedge Fund, Emerging Markets Searches
The $28.4 billion University of Texas Investment Management Company (UTIMCO) will seek new hedge
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Alternatives
N.C. Foundation Adds Hedge Fund, Passive Allocations
The Golden L.E.A.F Foundation approved a new hedge fund manager and passive high-yield index
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Wyoming Eyes Mid-Year Hedge Fund RFP
The $6.7 billion Wyoming Retirement System will issue an RFP for credit and equity hedge fund
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Ohio Schools Considering MLPs, Infrastructure, Timber During Asset Allocation Study
The $11 billion Ohio School Employees Retirement System is undergoing an asset allocation study
Hedge Funds Fixed-Income Real Assets
Montgomery County Public Schools Makes Commodities Hires
The $1.17 billion Montgomery County (Md.) Public Schools Pension & Retirement Plan made its first
Domestic Equity Real Estate Hedge Funds
Palm Beach Nears New Asset Allocation; Searches Planned
The $180 million Town of Palm Beach (Fla.) Retirement System is slated to approve a new asset
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Alternatives
Memphis Utility Plan Discusses Consultant RFP
The $1.18 billion Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division defined benefit plan discussed issuing its
Hedge Funds
New York City Makes Two Hedge Fund Hires
The $127 billion New York City Retirement Systems made two hedge fund hires this month, Plan
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Detroit 911 Adopts New Asset Allocation; Eyes PE, HF Searches
The $3.1 billion Detroit Police & Fire Retirement System adopted a new asset allocation that will