Hedge Funds

Hedge Funds Alternatives Fixed-Income
Iowa Municipal Fire & Police To Look Into Hedge Funds, Emerging Market Debt, High-Yield
The $1.9 billion Municipal Fire & Police Retirement System of Iowa will receive educations on hedge
Hedge Funds Alternatives Private Equity
California Hospital Discussing Alternative Investments
El Camino Hospital‘s investment committee is discussing how it will incorporate its new 20%
Hedge Funds Alternatives Real Assets
Michigan State Hires Mgrs.
The $1.7 billion Michigan State University endowment approved commitments to four investment
Hedge Funds Alternatives
N.H. Plan To Discuss Portable Alpha Program
The $162 million Manchester (N.H.) Employees’ Contributory Retirement System will decide at its
People Moves Hedge Funds Alternatives
Omaha Civilian Seeking Hedge FoF; Finance Director Resigns
The $220 million Omaha (Neb.) Civilian Employees Retirement System is currently searching for a
Hedge Funds
Texas County & District Adds $400 Million In Hedge Funds
The $17.6 billion Texas County & District Retirement System made a pair of New Year’s Day hedge
Hedge Funds Fixed-Income
Indiana Discussing Fixed-Income, Unconstrained Mgrs.
The approximately $1.7 billion University of Indiana operating fund is discussing the addition of a
Hedge Funds Alternatives Private Equity
Texas Plan Makes Alternatives Commitments
The $135 million Irving (Texas) Firemen’s Relief & Retirement Fund approved a pair of alternatives
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Small-Cap
While we were away...
* The $5.2 billion Municipal Employees Annuity & Benefit Fund of Chicago has approved several watch
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Orange County Hires Direct HF, Multi-Strat Credit Firms
The $9.7 billion Orange County (Calif.) Employees Retirement System hired three additional hedge