Hedge Funds

Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Alternatives
Baltimore Foundation Makes Portfolio Changes
The approximately $140 million Baltimore Community Foundation made changes within its investment
Hedge Funds Fixed-Income Surveys/Studies
Springfield P&F Conducting Searches Following New Asset Allocation
The $185 million Springfield Police Officers’ & Firefighters’ Retirement Fund System will conduct
Hedge Funds Alternatives Fixed-Income
Texas Permanent Approves New Asset Allocation, Commodities, Real Estate
The approximately $24 billion Texas Permanent School Fund approved a new asset allocation during
Hedge Funds Alternatives Private Equity
Texas Treasury Makes Hedge Fund, Private Debt Commitments
The $3.2 billion Texas Treasury Safekeeping Trust Company endowment hired a slew of alternatives
Hedge Funds Alternatives Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Chicago Laborers Hires 2 Global Hedge FoFs
The $1.4 billion Laborers’ and Retirement Board Employees’ Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Fairfield Makes Hedge FoF Hire
The $290 million Town of Fairfield (Conn.) Retirement Fund hired Diversified Global Asset
Hedge Funds Alternatives Real Assets
Iowa Foundation To Discuss Alternatives
The approximately $63 million Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation will discuss its private
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
LACERA Eyes Changes To Hedge Fund, Real Estate, Commodities
The $39 billion Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association is expected to make changes to
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Alternatives
Memphis Utility Considering MLP, HF, PE, Equity
The $1.1 billion Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division pension plan is considering Master
Hedge Funds Alternatives
LACERS Withdraws From Blum Capital Fund
The $10.9 billion Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System initiated the withdrawal process of